CCC Study Material Topics CCC कोर्स ऑन कंप्यूटर कॉन्सेप्ट CCC New Syllabus Chapter-1 Introduction to Computer Introduction to Computer History of Computers Generations of Computer Characteristics of Computer System Basic Application of Computer Classification of Computer IT Gadgets and their applications Basics of Hardware & Software Computer Memory & Storage Software Open Source & Proprietary Software Mobile Apps Chapter-2 Introduction to Operating System Basics of Operating System Types of Operating System Operating Systems for Desktop and Laptop Operating Systems for Mobile Phone and Tablets User Interface for Desktop and Laptop Operating System Simple Setting Add or Remove Program and Features Adding, Removing & Sharing Printers File and Folder Management Types of file Extensions Chapter-3 Word Processing COMING SOON Chapter-4 Spread Sheet COMING SOON Chapter-5 Presentation COMING SOON Chapter-6 Introduction to Internet & WWW COMING SOON Chapter-7 E-Mail, Social Networking and E-Governance Services COMING SOON Chapter-8 Digital Financial Tools & Applications COMING SOON Chapter-9 Overview of Future Skills & Cyber Security COMING SOON CCC Video Lectures CCC Study Material CCC Video Lectures CCC Mock Test Hindi CCC Mock Test English CCC E-Book & PDF CCC Model Paper